Sunday, 10 May 2020

The Voice Of Reason

More words and pictures; one of my Gimp friends will recognise these words

The Voice Of Reason

Come to me, speak to me, confide in me
and do not fear your confused beliefs
they are tainted by perplexity and contradiction
the trials of your daily life
for you are yet young, pursue life even now
in simple terms as when, in childish wonder,
you chased your first blue butterfly;
so trust in me
for I am the voice of reason.

Come to me, speak to me, confide in me
and do not fear your lovelorn heart
you must suffer the searing sword of unrequited love
that shreds your self esteem
for you are yet young, still selflessly expect
each prince gallant to sweep you off your feet,
to captivate not delude you;
so trust in me
for I am the voice of compassion.

Come to me, speak to me, confide in me
and do not fear your honest mistakes
they form the solid root ball of your lifelong learning tree
reject unworthy critics
for you are yet young, but cultivate your mind,
seek truth that you might challenge and confound
those eyes awaiting your demise;
so trust in me
for I am the voice of experience.

Come to me, speak to me, confide in me
and do not fear our temporal void
since I am never far away in spirit and will attend
in time of moral strife,
for you are yet young, deserve such guiding hand
in adulthood as much as when a child you chased me;
yes, I was that first blue butterfly,
so trust in me
for I am the voice of love.


  1. impressive and intimate. a poem to reread from time to time.

  2. Thank you Issa - children are always children no matter how old.
