Sunday 24 May 2020

Just After The Rain

Just After The Rain

It’s a misty monochrome morning
just after the rain,
darkness like some Lithgow coal miner's
drab woollen scarf
still stubbornly clings to the low cloud base,
which beheads the taller trees
saturating, smothering the mountain
with a gloomy grey bonnet,
its matching damp overcoat
enshrouds the undergrowth
dripping and dribbling incessantly.

It’s a misty monochrome morning
rain’s remnants roll
gracefully down, around and under
lichen clad branches,
skate across narrow eucalypt leaves
and with nowhere else to go
collect en masse until,
through their own accumulated weight,
they plip plop drop rhythmically
splash the sodden mulch below
initiate new flows of mountain life.

It’s a misty monochrome morning
secluded chasms
accentuate the sound of lonely ASICS Airmax
slapping sloppy gravel
slurping, sliding, slipping
through the meandering muddy wash
as relentlessly it scurries
scouring, eroding
the corrugated sandstone track,
its chosen drainage channel
to its mother creek below.

It’s a misty monochrome morning
a sneaky sunbeam
infiltrates the fog foreshortened horizon
momentarily illuminates
spectacular spider web chandeliers
suspended skillfully between high branches
trapped raindrop baubles,
transparent captives,
glistening across the valley
like dangling glow worms
deep in dark Jenolan Caves

It’s a misty monochrome morning
at the viewing ledge,
the invisible sounds of a rampaging creek
and the pounding roar of its self sacrifice
mystically, musically vanish
through the drizzling dampness
in sensual counterpoint
into the valley void below;
truly nothing else compares to the
morning mood of my Mountains Blue
just after the rain.

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