Monday 27 July 2020

Bill The Artist

Bill The Artist
Bill is a tall, wiry, older guy
very softly spoken, almost shy
has arthritic fingers but suffers the pains,
prefers to sleep right through his dreadful migraines,
tills his backyard garden for sustainable food,
through his art seeks inspiration to sate his mood
and deliver a subject that justifies
his artistic skills and his mind satisfies.

Yearly April when Aussie minds turn
to historic lessons all should learn
of futile past war games the sorrows of death,
the loss of loved ones having breathed their last breath
ably serving our country no matter the end,
belief in our freedom always theirs to defend,
built an ANZAC legend based on their demise,
on display now the Gallipoli art prize.

The Nek, Afrikaans for mountain pass,
bottleneck in truth a planning farce,
unsynchronised watches officer’s mistake,
barrage stops early still decisions to make,
so lacking protection the light horse hop the bags
go over the top, some succeed raise marker flags
lure more waves of young men to an early tomb
in twenty ten Bill depicts their gunned down doom.

A solemn moment maternal tryst,
embracing the son she always wished
had not enlisted to fight did not have to leave,
his father there too firmly grasping his sleeve,
but they cannot restrain him the train whistle blows
soldier son off to battle this mother’s fear grows,
tears well in her eyes as she prays to heaven
Bill captures this scene in twenty eleven.

Mates, cobbers from small towns in the bush,
farmers, ringers become diggers push
back forces of evil in overseas lands
lives recalled today where this monument stands,
names of men carved in stone unfairly sacrificed
a cost to their families much too highly priced,
cattle graze nearby help our feelings to salve
in Bill’s praised contribution for twenty twelve.

Bill’s quiet, humble, just gets on with life
calmly fades into crowds never seems in strife,
not a complex man and with aura serene,
but deep inside forces powerful and keen
relate to the real world his experience knows
in passionate study of what history shows,
to thoughtfully create such skilled works of art
pose questions, force answers from deep in our heart.

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