Wednesday 7 October 2020

Looking Out Looking In


Looking Out Looking In

Like static distant vistas through the window of a speeding train

life simply passes by.

A rushing tunnel of darkness coerces self reflection most arcane

but easy to deny.

The brazen image focused at a metre merely mirrors the disdain

I see in my minds eye.

Satisfying to complete another day but this mediocre life profane

is still a living lie.

Unable to see value in remaining here with nothing much to gain

yet I’m afraid to die.

Am I then fated to continue to exist in introverted moods inane

nil effort to comply.

See visions of radiated ones in a hospice in Chernobyl the Ukraine 

tears welling in my eye.

A world beckons beyond the raucous chatter of cockatoos insane

mocking me in the sky.

Dare I taste the piquant flavour of the devil’s daily curry once again

of course I have to try

To seek fulfillment and in my personal esteem, higher levels to attain                                myself to dignify. 



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